Magical Candlelit Christmas Concert 2019 – Sold Out!

Join us for our 19th Annual Candlelit Christmas Concert on Thursday 5th December 2019! Once again our Candlelit Concert will be held at St Peter’s Church in Eaton Square, London.  This is the perfect start to the Christmas season – Carols by Candlelight.   Hosted this year by the fabulous Joanna Lumley OBE. It is a star studded evening, not just our Patron Joanna Lumley OBE, but Readers include Miriam Margolyes OBE plus Patrons Timothy West CBE, and The Lord Cope of Berkeley PC.  We are also delighted that Thames Fanfare Brass will once again be raising the roof.  What would a Christmas Concert be without a Trumpet Fanfare?!  The angelic voices of the Queen’s Gate School Choirs will fill the church with gorgeous songs and there will, of course, be plenty of favourite Christmas Carols too for you to join in! World class soprano Natalie Rushdie will join us for the evening as well!  Natalie has seen sold out shows at Wembley Stadium, Royal Albert Hall, and the London Coliseum. The concert will begin at 7.00pm and will be followed by Mulled Wine Read more…

Vital help – see who is supporting us

Your support for Kids for Kids is enabling us to change the lives of hundreds of forgotten children in Darfur who live each day with the threat of hunger, thirst, disease and violence. Without your vital support children would die from treatable diseases, suffer long term consequences of malnutrition and even not survive birth. You are helping us transform their lives and we cannot thank you enough. We are delighted to have received support from the following organisations through many different ways: donations, event sponsorship, advertising in our Programmes, collection tins, publicity and, to keep us going, moral support! It all makes a difference. This is not a definitive list as some do not wish to be publicised. Do click through on some of the logos to read more about Kids for Kids on the company sites.   We are grateful to you all. “Delamere Dairy has been producing and selling goats’ milk in the UK and around the world for 32 years. Most of our customers choose goats’ milk as the naturally, nutritionally complete alternative to cows’ milk. In Darfur, Read more…

Unusual gift? Give a Lottery Ticket!

Give a Kids for Kids Lottery Ticket, and you may be giving £500… every month! The Kids for Kids 100 Club Lottery is a way of helping children in Darfur, and winning a prize yourself – or for the lucky recipient of your gift – every month.  Half the lottery money each month helps to buy goats in Darfur, and the rest is that month’s prize, giving you the chance of winning up to £500. Each month’s draw takes place at the end of that month, with up to £500 allocated as that month’s prize to the lucky winner, and up to £500 given to help children in Darfur*.  100 tickets are available at just £10 a month each (£120 a year).  You may purchase as many tickets as you like, either for yourself or as an exciting Gift!  Pay either annually or monthly by Standing Order.  We will send you details of your Kids for Kids’ 100 Club Lottery Number/s and you will automatically be entered into the Prize Draw every month.   The odds are extremely good, with some Read more…

The Ambassadors’ Ball 2019

Thank you all so much for supporting our Ambassadors’ Ball this year! Early warning for next year – our Ball will take place on Saturday 6th June 2020. Do put the date in your calendar and stay tuned for more details!   We are pleased to announce that the 2019 The Ambassadors’ Ball for Kids for Kids will take place on Saturday 8th June and will once again be held at The Hyatt Regency London – The Churchill. The Ball has become one of the most sought-after events of London’s social calendar, attended by London’s diplomatic community, including Ambassadors from across the world, and has sold out each year. You can join our Trustees and the Ambassadors at our annual event which will include: Champagne Reception from 6 pm in The Library of the Hyatt Churchill Hotel Gourmet Three Course Dinner designed by Chefs of The Churchill, served with fine wines Charity Auction and Gala Raffle Dancing  until the early hours to live music of Funktonite  Medals will be worn. Dress: Black Tie / Ball Gowns. There are some tickets still available but Read more…

Graham Tackles Normandy By Bike

Update: Graham’s cycle is now complete! On Monday 5th November Graham was live on BBC Radio Solent – click here to listen. This month, long time Kids for Kids supporter, Graham Baynes is cycling 250 miles around Normandy with his grandson, Jamie and fundraising in the process! Since 2006, Graham has taken on cycling challenges yearly, cycling all over the United Kingdom!  From the West Country in 2010 to Edinburgh in 2014 and Wales in 2015 Graham is now taking his bike over to France to spend a week cycling in Normandy.  What a fantastic man!  Over the years Graham has raised thousands of pounds for Kids for Kids – saving and improving the lives of thousands of children living in the most impoverished conditions.   It is difficult to say thank you properly to Graham, his family and his supporters.   The amazing challenges Graham sets himself – with his 85th birthday coming up later this year! – inspires us all. We asked Graham for some details about his upcoming cycle: “The 2018 route is from Poole, through Cherbourg to the bottom of Read more…

Totnes Churches Help Children in Darfur

On Sunday 16th September, St John’s Church in Totnes held a service in aid of Kids for Kids at St Mary’s Church, welcoming Patricia Parker MBE, Founder and CEO, as guest speaker. A great supporter over the years, Liz Waterson, has encouraged St John’s to hold numerous collections for Kids for Kids and this weekend was particularly special. “It was beautiful” Patricia said. “Members of the Church and congregation read out the prayers from all corners of this beautiful historic church, creating a powerful atmosphere,  and bringing together people to help change the lives of children in Darfur who are completely forgotten.” It is truly perfect timing for St Mary’s and St John’s to announce their support for Kids for Kids. Children in Darfur are living through what locals call The Hungry Months because there is rain but no food. After suffering famine all year, there will still not be a harvest for a few more months, if there is one at all. We have been providing Urgent Need Packages for families who have been worst-hit by the famine to ensure that no Read more…

Rotary Club Donates £1,000 For Jerry Cans!

Earlier this year, Patricia Parker MBE, Kids for Kids Founder and CEO visited the Rotary Club of Cuckfield and Lindfield and gave a presentation about the life saving work that Kids for Kids does.  Patricia was delighted to be visited recently by Club President, Alec Landauer, and Sue McMillan from the International Committee, at her home in Dorking and presented with a cheque for £1,000 to be spent on Jerry Cans!  “What a wonderful surprise this was!” said Patricia, “Families are in desperate need of jerry cans right now for the first time ever so this is the perfect donation.” 2018 is the first year we have ever known that families have been sharing the use of a jerry can to fetch water. Women like Halima from Um Jum Jum, a village we adopted this year, has been sharing her neighbour’s jerry can because hers had cracked some time ago. Sharing a jerry can also means sharing the precious water you have walked miles across the desert to collect – the only water your family will have that day.  How could you Read more…

Archbishop of Wales Honours Kids for Kids

Patricia Parker MBE, Kids for Kids Founder and CEO, was welcomed to Brecon Cathedral on Saturday 15th for a Service honouring the charities chosen to benefit from the Archbishop’s 2018 Lent Appeal. The Archbishop of Wales, John Davies,  welcomed representatives from Faith in Families, Hay, Brecon & Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees, and Carers Wales,for the service celebrating the World Mission of the Church and – Kids for Kids! – affirming their Commitment to Service. “I was thrilled the Archbishop chose to support Kids for Kids this year,” said Patricia Parker. “It has been one of the hardest years in Darfur that I have ever known.  Families endure lives of enormous deprivation but when drought and famine hit them they have little resilience. The magnificent sum of £2,466. 50 raised by the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon during their Lent Appeal for all the churches in the diocese has enabled us to help families in dire need who have had no access to food all year. What a beautiful service.    It was a privilege hearing about the amazing work carried Read more…

NCS students work with Bucks Goat Centre

We were delighted to learn that students from National Citizen Service (NCS) in Aylesbury Vale were supporting Kids for Kids with their fundraising activities in July.  It was all happening in conjunction with the Bucks Goat Centre, who adopted us as their charity earlier this year and told the students about us.  We are so grateful to their inspired leader Ruth Gaisford for her inspired leadership. NCS aims to shows young people the significant impact they can make by getting involved in their local community, with a ‘Social action week’ as part of the three week experience.  As well as volunteering at the Bucks Goat Centre, the students raised funds for Kids for Kids over three days, as NCS Project Worker, Nathalie Hogg told us: “They held cake sales and completed a sponsored walk to raise money. They also painted a Hungry Caterpillar themed mural at the Goat Centre in Aylesbury as their volunteer project and managed to get all of their paint donated!  The young people have all worked so hard this summer and it’s great for them to see their hard Read more…

Art History Lecture & Lunch

An illustrated lecture on Hogarth & his World, entitled Mirth, Morals & Manners, by Art Historian Brenda Whitaker.

Wednesday 19th September from 11 am at Westcott Reading Room, RH4 3LB.

Enjoy coffee and biscuits before the  lecture at 11.30 am, followed by a two course lunch with a glass of wine.