Join The Children's Champions to
Change Whole Communities
Help us keep our promises and plan for the future with regular life-changing donations
Help us keep our promises and plan for the future with regular life-changing donations
We are desperately in need of Children’s Champions – individuals, schools, groups, clubs, trusts or businesses – who can commit to helping us for three years.
Could this be you?
£500 p.a. for 3 years will enable us to provide emergency aid to save lives whatever the Greatest Need.
£600 p.a. for 3 years will give 6 families 5 Goats each to provide milk for their malnourished children. After 2 years, 5 offspring will be passed on to another family to benefit.
£2,000 p.a. for 3 years will help us train 3 midwives at a time when health care has collapsed across the country. You will be helping to save mother’s and babies’ lives now and in the future.
Handpumps cost £6,500 each. Could you sponsor three? Each will ear the name of your choice. Children should never have to walk miles for every drop of water. Or sponsor 1 handpump across three years, £2,200 a year.
A Kindergarten currently costs £20,000 to build. Sponsor 1 Kindergarten each year for 3 years, or help us build one over 3 years. A Kindergarten is every mother’s dream in Darfur. £6,600 a year for 3 years.
For £30,000. £10,000 a year for 3 years will enable us to introduce our whole package of sustainable projects – Goats, Donkeys, a Handpump, Kindergarten, Health Centre, and much more….
American Friends, please click below to make a donation.
Australian Friends, please click below to make a donation.
You can donate via our website using Credit Card or PayPal, which has the option to pay in your local currency or UK Pounds (Sterling). Please add item to cart. Currency conversion will be shown on your statement.
Or you can send a cheque:
Kids for Kids, P.O. Box 456, Dorking, Surrey RH4 2WS
Or Donate via Bank Transfer:
National Westminster Bank
Account Name: Kids for Kids
Sort Code: 60-07-02
Account Number: 31670636
IBAN: GB71 NWBK 60070231670636
Donate £10 per month to make a difference to a Child’s Life and be in with the chance of winning our monthly Lottery.
Leave a gift to Kids for Kids in your Will and you will change children’s lives immediately and help lift whole communities out of abject poverty.
What better way to change lives than in the memory of a life well spent? Create permanent and lasting memorials in the name you choose.
Registered Charity No: 1100045. A Company limited by Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No: 04607292. Recognised by the Humanitarian Aid Commission in The Sudan as a Charitable Foundation.
Copyright Kids For Kids © 1990 – 2021 US Friends of Kids for Kids Registered with Global Giving 501(c)3 Supported by HolmPC Ltd.