Why Trees and Agriculture?
People in Darfur eat only what they can grow in the desert sand.
Better yields and planting trees make a life-saving difference.
Better yields and planting trees make a life-saving difference.
Climate change is top of the agenda internationally.
But nowhere is it more harshly felt than in Darfur, where the Sahara is creeping south inexorably.
Darfur is at the forefront of global warming with temperatures soaring to over 50 degrees in the summer months.
All surface water evaporates by February each year, leaving the land parched and scorched. How can families possibly survive?
Trees help bind the soil together and slow the spread of the desert, giving families hope for the future.
Can you help us plant trees to provide vital shade, food and a livelihood for children, their animals and their families?
Imagine having to plant enough seed to grow a year’s food… by hand!
People in Darfur need donkey ploughs so they can make the most of their land grow enough food for their families to live on.
Click here to see more and donate a Donkey Plough.
Thank you
Without the right tools for the job, people simply have to plant seeds in the desert sand with their bare hands.
Kids for Kids provides tools and training to help ensure their efforts provide a better harvest for the family to live on.
Click here to see more and donate farming tools
Thank you.
Registered Charity No: 1100045. A Company limited by Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No: 04607292. Recognised by the Humanitarian Aid Commission in The Sudan as a Charitable Foundation.
Copyright Kids For Kids © 1990 – 2021 US Friends of Kids for Kids Registered with Global Giving 501(c)3 Supported by HolmPC Ltd.