Art History Lecture and Lunch

Join us for an illustrated lecture entitled ‘Mirth, Morals & Manners – Hogarth & his World’ by Art Historian Brenda Whitaker. Coffee and biscuits will be available before the lecture, which starts at 11.30 am, followed by a two course lunch with a glass of wine. Minimum donation for tickets £25 per person.  Available to buy online here, or download a booking form here.

Art History Lecture and Lunch

Join us for an illustrated lecture entitled ‘Mirth, Morals & Manners – Hogarth & his World’ by Art Historian Brenda Whitaker. Coffee and biscuits will be available before the lecture, which starts at 11.30 am, followed by a two course lunch with a glass of wine. Minimum donation for tickets £25 per person.  Available to buy online here, or download a booking form here.

Friends’ Event 2018 – Foreign Office Special Representative to Sudan visits us

Friends of Kids for Kids are invited to hear the latest news from Darfur from our Founder Patricia Parker MBE, with the opportunity for questions afterwards, at a Friends’ Event being held in Patricia’s home in Dorking on Saturday 11th August – Kids for Kids Friends Event Invitation. Guest of Honour will be Chris Trott, the Foreign Office Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan, who has kindly agreed to bring us up to date with Government policy and the latest news from the region. Our Friends’ Event is a special occasion to hear exactly how we manage to work in one of the most inaccessible and deprived regions in the world, and to ask as many questions as you would like.    Patricia says “In fact I have never heard of another charity being so open about all it does.   I am passionate about our supporters – and indeed anyone thinking of supporting us – knowing as much as possible about how we spend their donations.” We hope you can join us for this special event to hear about our projects in Darfur Read more…

Open Garden, Summer Fete & Art Exhibition

Please join Kids for Kids for a Summer weekend of events this August in Dorking, Surrey. The perfect way to spend a summer day! Events held each day will be: Private View on Friday 10th August from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. The weekend will open with a Private View for the Art Exhibition by Patricia herself, who has exhibited in London at the Mall Galleries, Blackfriars Gallery, Llewellyn Alexander Gallery and the Society of Women Artists and has pictures in many collections, including Trinity College Cambridge. Also on view will be paintings by Robin Radclyffe whose colourful pointillist technique is right up to the minute. Please see images of just a few of the paintings below. Drinks and canapes will be served. To apply for an invitation, please get in touch: / 07957206440 . Garden Party on Saturday 11th August from 11 4.00 p.m. Enjoy over an acre of private gardens with sculptures, hidden corners and herbaceous borders, plus an Exhibition of Original Art, Caribbean food by BoxFood, a Jamaican street food company, and designer stalls! Traditional Polish pottery, potted plants and flowers, exclusive beauty products by Read more…

Open Garden, Summer Fete & Art Exhibition

Please join Kids for Kids for a Summer weekend of events this August in Dorking, Surrey. The perfect way to spend a summer day! Events held each day will be: Private View on Friday 10th August from 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. The weekend will open with a Private View for the Art Exhibition by Patricia herself, who has exhibited in London at the Mall Galleries, Blackfriars Gallery, Llewellyn Alexander Gallery and the Society of Women Artists and has pictures in many collections, including Trinity College Cambridge. Also on view will be paintings by Robin Radclyffe whose colourful pointillist technique is right up to the minute. Please see images of just a few of the paintings below. Drinks and canapes will be served. To apply for an invitation, please get in touch: / 07957206440 . Garden Party on Saturday 11th August from 11 4.00 p.m. Enjoy over an acre of private gardens with sculptures, hidden corners and herbaceous borders, plus an Exhibition of Original Art, Caribbean food by BoxFood, a Jamaican street food company, and designer stalls! Traditional Polish pottery, potted plants and flowers, exclusive beauty products by Read more…

Fishing for Goats! Executive Fly Fishing Day 2018

Executive Fly Fishing Day – Saturday 13th October 2018 – minimum donation for Half-day £55 and for Full-day £95.

We are delighted to announce that our Annual Kids for Kids Executive Fly Fishing Day will take place at Park Lake, Albury Estate Fisheries, Albury.  Places for the Full Day and Half-day (AM or PM) sessions are now available to book on-line. All sessions enjoy tuition (if needed), fishing, and delicious refreshments. (more…)

Magical Candlelit Christmas Concert 2018

Candlelit Christmas Concert – Thursday 29th November 2018 PLEASE NOTE: tickets can no longer be bought on line.   Some tickets are available on the door.  Please come early to secure your place.  For details, see below.  Candlelit Christmas Concert at St Peter’s, Eaton Square, London – doors open 6.15 p.m.   The perfect start to the Christmas season – Christmas as we all love it.  It is another early date, due to Queen’s Gate School breaking up the following week, so please put the date in your diary now.   It is the voices of those lovely children that make the evening so memorable. The evening will be hosted throughout by ITV’s Julie Etchingham, and we are very pleased to welcome as Guest of Honour, our Patron, Eamonn Holmes OBE, well known Sky TV personality and TalkRadio host, together with Timothy West CBE and The Lord Cope of Berkeley PC. We are delighted that the Thames Fanfare Brass will once again be raising the roof.  What would Christmas Carols be without a Trumpet Fanfare?    There will, of course, be plenty of favourite Christmas Carols too. Concert Read more…

Do you have an hour to spare?

Please can you help us on Friday 22nd June by sparing some time for our annual street collection in Dorking? Every year, the local community is hugely supportive of Kids for Kids but we need help – just one hour of your time would make such a difference!  Every hour donated, every penny raised, provides much needed funds for Darfur and will help us give children goat’s milk so that lack of protein does not damage their health irrevocably. All you need is enthusiasm and a big smile.  Volunteering slots are available all day, so any time that suits you would suit us.  Why not bring a friend or family member to make a fun day of it?  The more the merrier – and the more raised for Kids for Kids! Sign up now – contact our our Surrey Committee by email or calling 07921135463. If you have fun and want to do it again, or if you can’t get to Dorking on 22nd June, why not organise another collection?  Please get in touch. Thank you.