Edgeborough School supports Kids for Kids!

We are delighted that Edgeborough School in Farnham, Surrey, are adopting Kids for Kids to support our work helping children in Darfur. Charity founder Patricia Parker visited the school as a guest speaker last week, to tell staff and pupils about life in Darfur and how our work helps transform the lives of some of the poorest people. “I was so impressed at Edgeborough”, said Patricia. “What an exceptional school.  The children were a fabulous audience.  It gives me real hope for the future when I meet young people whose questions showed not just their concern, but an enthusiasm to make a difference themselves.  If only the rest of the world could follow their example!  I am very much looking forward to visiting the Pre Prep on Monday 9th October to meet the little ones. “ Already the pupils, staff and Parent’s Association are making plans how they too can make a real difference. Headmaster Dan Thornburn said about the visit “The whole school was buzzing about Kids for Kids and I know that everyone will get fully behind the Read more…

Maureen’s birthday walk – double the success!

She did it! We really wanted to update you on the news from Maureen’s Wing Walk. In addition to the amazing bravery Maureen showed, she has now raised the magnificent total of £1,884, nearly twice her original target! That’s a fantastic amount and Maureen has told us “I am overwhelmed by the generosity of donors.” So thank you to everyone who has supported this lovely lady and helped her raise this great amount, which is going to make such a difference in Darfur. “I certainly could not have done what Maureen took on – standing on the top of a plane flying high in the clouds” said Patricia Parker, our Founder “I am so pleased people have supported her by fulfilling her wish to make a real difference to children’s lives. What a fantastic way to say Happy Birthday World! Thank you everyone for such fantastic support – Maureen’s 75th Birthday will go on and on being celebrated in Darfur.” Our original news story follows: It makes our knees wobbly just to think about this challenge! To celebrate her milestone Read more…

Support from The BIG BASH

Did you know that one of the best places to find an amazing party in July was Dorking? If so, you’ve probably heard about The Big Bash – known to be the most psychedelic party of the year! The Big Bash Festival took place on 1st July and was a sell out thanks once again to Nick Russell and The Gang.  You can see from the photos below just what a brilliant event it was! This year, The Big Bash wowed with a giant TV showing movies, as well as a fabulous silent disco.  Such fun to watch by the way!    Newcomers to the event was Kate Gregory and her designer Gin Kitchen who helped by supporting Kids for Kids in their successful Gin tent at the festival.   Can’t wait to try you out at The Spotted Dog in Dorking! Kids for Kids are so grateful to have been chosen as The BIG BASH’s partner charity again this year and to hear that they have raised an amazing £2,000 for Children in Darfur.  Thank you for your fantastic support!

Kick for Kids at St Paul’s School, Dorking

St Paul’s School in Dorking held their Darfur Day at the end of term when they took part in lots of exciting activities to raise awareness of Kids for Kids and the challenges facing children in Darfur.  Result?  A  fantastic £345!  Thank you so much to St Paul’s for putting the fun into such amazing fundraising.         They had such a range of activities for all the children to get involved in: Kick for kids – a penalty shoot-out where participants had to score by kicking a ball into the goal. Goal for goats –  throwing a basketball through the hoop. The saving water relay race doubled up by teaching children how careful they have to be when carrying water and how much water we use.  They had to keep as much water in a thimble throughout the race and the most water at the end won. Feed the goat blindfold. A.k.a. pin the tail on the donkey. Design a coat for a goat. The children all came to school wearing their team colours and each donated Read more…

Crazy hair at Heathland School, London

The incredible students at Heathland School, South Harrow, have shown their determination to help children their own age in Darfur after our Founder, Patricia Parker, went to see them.  Patricia spoke and showed them pictures taken in the villages of how desperately deprived children their own age are.  Patricia asked them to imagine what it would be like to have no toys to play with, no nutritious food and to have to sleep on the sand inside the straw huts they call home.   Encouraged by inspirational teacher Aaisha Sabir and the rest of the staff, pupils at Heathland School held a ‘crazy hair day’ and raised an amazing £548! This followed collections at two Music Concerts raising £215 thanks to Tim Smith the school’s Music teacher.  Mr Smith was so overwhelmed by the assembly Patricia held, he decided to carry out an extra collection.  “I am so grateful to everyone at this hard working school,” said Patricia   “Thank you Tim for lending me your remote control pen for my Presentation, and even more for raising extra funds.   The funds from Read more…

Ken Howard and Friends – The Auction

Royal Academician Professor Ken Howard OBE arguably this country’s best loved artist, has invited his friends to join him in an Auction to help raise awareness of the plight of the children living in remote villages in Darfur.   The artists taking part are all either Royal Academicians, members of the Royal Watercolour Society or members of the New English Art Club and are amongst the most celebrated artists in this country.    Ken Howard & Friends – the Auction will be held on Thursday 26th October 2017 at the John Bly Gallery, King’s Road, London. (Private Views on Thursday 19th & Tuesday 24th October) To see the online Gallery please click here. “I am more grateful than I can say” said Patricia Parker MBE, Founder of Kids for Kids. “This is a rare opportunity to see works by our leading artists from the highest echalons of the art work, painting in different mediums,  shown together.  To have a chance to buy them is exceptional.    It is a real honour and very touching that such famous artists want to help the forgotten children of Read more…

Drawn… to Darfur

Drawn… to Darfur – a selection of artwork by celebrities raising awareness of Darfur. In 2012, a one-off and unique art auction was held to raise money for families in Darfur.  We invited well known people from across the world to draw something for Darfur, and “if they couldn’t draw for toffee” to draw a heart and to sign it.   The artists were unusual, all being celebrities and forming an impressive list of Stars, including HRH The Prince of Wales, His Holiness Pope Benedict VII, the former Prime Minister David Cameron, Sir Quentin Blake CBE FCSD RDI, Eamonn Holmes, Dame Kelly Holmes DBE MBE, Ken Howard OBE RA to name a few.  Funds raised enabled Kids for Kids to adopt an entire community and build a Kindergarten. Below is the beautiful and varying array of art that was auctioned.   If you would like a print of any of these works of art please get in touch.