The Holy Cross Ladies Fellowship support Kids for Kids at the Festival of Lights

For several years now Holy Cross Church in Uckfield, E.Sussex has held a Festival of Christmas Trees. In 2016 over 80 trees were decorated by various local organisations, individuals, businesses etc. 5,600+ people attended the Festival this time which has grown in publicity year-on-year. Folk come from far and wide to marvel at the range and beauty of the decorated trees which fill the side pews, the chancel, the side chapels and the gallery. The festival spans three days from Friday – Sunday each year coinciding with Uckfield’s Late Night Shopping event on Friday evening. Entry is by donation and a raffle is also run to raise funds for the day-to-day running costs of the church and for charity. The festival culminates with a service of thanksgiving on a Sunday afternoon. Hot meals, snacks, mulled wine and beverages are provided throughout the opening hours of the festival, in the adjacent Belmont Centre run by a band of willing volunteers from the church. The trees are delivered on  Monday, then erected in situ and the electric wiring installed by a further Read more…

News from America – Children at International School of Brooklyn Go that Extra Mile

Children at the International School of Brooklyn set us all a good example when they held their sixth Walk for Water.   They were determined to do something to help families in Darfur, inspired by a 6 year old American boy called Owen and between them they have raised thousands of dollars to provide clean water in the villages of Darfur. “A handpump does not only provide clean water” said Patricia Parker during her visit to the school,”but water close at hand means that children can go to school.   Education is the way out of poverty and in Darfur not having to walk miles across the sand means women and children are no longer at risk of attack. ” Since they went those extra miles round and round the block where their school is situated, funds have been pouring in.    To date they have raised a staggering $13,623 – the best yet! ISB is a school that is going places.   In six years it has moved from a small six room building to a spacious centre in Brooklyn where there is Read more…

Gig for Goats – teenagers decide to help

When Ciaran Doyle (14) heard how children were living in Darfur he decided to do something about it.   “I performed a song at The Ambassadors’ Ball in London in May, an event that raises money and awareness for the children of Darfur.  It made me realise that in my own way, I could do something, raise money and make my own contribution to help.  They don’t even know if they will get breakfast in the morning or a dinner and we have so many opportunities, so our drummer in The V8’s, Maxim and myself decided that we would put on our own show and see what we could achieve.” The Gig was amazing.   The V8’s were joined by Home Feels Foreign and Station-47. The Hall in Slindon was packed.    Now Ciaran has been invited to take the Gig to London.  Watch this space!

St Bede’s House Worth Abbey to support Kids for Kids – again!

Wonderful news this week!   We have just heard that the students of St Bede’s House, Worth Abbey, have adopted Kids for Kids for another year.    The world has forgotten Darfur, but not St Bede’s.    House Master Mike Mathews told us that this year the plan is to row the Atlantic!   Not literally, but with the help of rowing machines, and it is not going to be plain sailing.     In 2015 they ran to Africa (round the school grounds)  – raising £3,466 – and in 2014 they climbed Everest (up and down the house stairs!) when they raised £2,055 on top of funds they had already donated that year.     I am told Rowing the Atlantic is going to be the best yet. What these young people are doing is showing the rest of the world that they believe in sustainable development, aimed not just at ensuring children no longer suffer from malnutrition, but helping Kids for Kids to enable people to stay in their homes and not to be forced to leave, becoming migrants across the world in a desperate attempt Read more…

St Paul’s School in Dorking adopts Kids for Kids

“I am so delighted that the children at St Paul’s School in Dorking have chosen Kids for Kids as their charity” said Patricia Parker, MBE Founder.   “I visited them this week and told them how children are living in Darfur.  They were shocked and every hand shot up when I asked if they would help.   I was really impressed at St Paul’s.   I thought I was doing fairly well with PowerPoint presentations but these youngsters really understand IT.    I am sorry my sons are far too old now to go to such a lovely school – and it’s just across the hill from my house.   I hope they ask me to visit them again soon.  The children are already planning how to raise funds.  I am really looking forward to hearing their ideas. Thank you everyone, and especially their inspirational Head Richard Catchpole.”  

Bishop Thomas Grant School

A fantastic THANK YOU to John House at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Streatham, London who raised £1,820 for Kids for Kids during their Lent fundraising.  The students raised money for their nominated charities through a variety of activities including the annual Easter Fair, an own clothes day, book and cake sales and shoe-shining.  This combined with their other fundraising activities throughout the year has led to a donation of £3,251.50 to Kids for Kids.