Our 22nd Birthday Wish-List!

With Kids for Kids celebrating our 22nd Birthday on 8th March 2023 – International Women’s Day – could you give us the best birthday present and support us in helping the forgotten children, their mothers and families in Darfur? Looking back over the past 22 years, we have accomplished some remarkable achievements that have transformed the lives of many in the communities we serve. We have adopted 110 remote villages in Darfur, supporting 560,000 people. We’ve distributed 120,800 Goats , trained 400 midwives , installed 105 hand pumps and built 14 Kindergartens! Not only that but we’ve planted 59,000 seedlings to help combat climate change! And lots more besides….but we’re not done yet! We have big plans for 2023 that we believe will make even more significant impacts.  Conditions are the worst we have known – we must give even more support than ever before! We want to… Adopt 5 new villages (£22,000 each), hold training sessions (£500) on our sustainable projects and introduce our Goat loan (£50 per Goat, £250 for 5 Goats for a family) and Donkeys (£65) Read more…

Make a Difference this Mother’s Day

Looking for a special gift for Mother’s Day in the UK on Sunday 10th March? Why not give your Mum a gift that keeps on giving? By donating a Goat you will be helping a mother in Darfur to feed her children and to earn a living for her family! Times are hard in Darfur, families are struggling to survive amongst the ongoing fighting, mothers are desperately trying to feed their starving children. We believe that it’s not just our own mothers we should be thinking about and celebrating this Mother’s Day – let’s celebrate and support the desperate mothers in Darfur too. A Goat allows a mother to protect her children from starvation by giving them nutritious milk and provides the opportunity for her to earn an income by selling excess milk and yoghurt. For the first time, a mother will be able to influence her family’s future. Donate a life-saving Goat to a Mother in Darfur and we will send you a unique personalised Mother’s Day Gift Certificate. How to Order: Visit our website and choose the gift Read more…

2,023 Sit Ups Challenge in March 2023

It’s time we Sit up and Support the Forgotten Children of Darfur! Join Kids for Kids for an exciting new challenge! Push yourself and join us in SITTING UP and supporting the forgotten children of Darfur. Get fit, have fun and FUNDRAISE!! The Challenge: 2,023 sponsored sit-ups in March 2023 We’re challenging you to complete 2,023 sponsored SIT-UPS throughout the month of March! And we’ve even developed a plan for you – including rest days and building up from 10 to 115 sit-ups over the 31 days in March…. Download a copy of the Sit-ups-Challenge-Plan & tick the days off as you go! These sit-ups can be stomach crunches, full sit-ups, sit-ups with a kettle bell (which many actually find easier) or, if you really want to push yourself, they can be sit-ups followed by a kettlebell lift. For more information on these options, visit our FAQs page. And, if 2,023 is too many for you, just set your own personal target! Whatever suits you, your body and feels most comfortable. And if anything doesn’t feel good, please just stop! Read more…

Paravet Training gives Liyla, Children and Mothers in her village a brighter future

We thought you would be delighted to hear how your donations have helped a young girl in Matway, Darfur.   Liyla is 22 years old and has recently graduated as a Village Paravet, having started her training when we adopted her village back in 2018.  Every time we adopt a village we train two paravets – they help each other and of course can cover when one is away at market, or visiting other villages to help their animals.  Your donations allowed us to give Liyla a donkey, a bag of animal drugs and the necessary equipment back in 2018 so she could start work in her village straightaway, from the first week. She immediately started advising the goat beneficiaries on looking after their goats’ health, feeding and nutrition, breeding policies, and the diseases to look out for which affect goats and donkeys. Since then, Liyla has participated in several Kids for Kids’ vaccination campaigns in the village, distributing animal welfare drugs both to prevent problems such as worms and parasites and to treat illnesses.  Liyla treats animals which have diseases Read more…

Flock of 5 Goats grows to 95 Goats!

I thought you would be fascinated – and delighted – to hear of yet more evidence that giving goats makes a massive difference to the deprived families in Darfur. Our team in Darfur recently visited Matway, a village which we adopted in 2018, which is the most successful of the 5 villages adopted that year.  Hana lives in Matway. She is 32 years old, married, with 3 girls and 4 boys, 3 of whom are at school. In November 2018, Hana was chosen by the village to receive 5 goats to provide protein-rich milk to her malnourished children and one cross-bred donkey to help carry heavy loads. Hana and her children helped care for the goats, grazing them around the village and taking them to the village hand pump to drink water. The donkey would help carry the water back home for the family and their animals. Hana followed the local Paravet’s advice, using worm drugs for the goats every 2 or 3 weeks and collecting groundnuts, hay and leaves from her farm to feed her goats. In the first Read more…

Moringa Tree Plantation is in Motion

The villagers of Tratora Birkat Jaro have recently met to plan the Moringa Tree Community Forest and start planting Moringa trees! These Moringa trees are known as magical trees. Moringa seeds can purify water. It is so hard to get water in Darfur that no one talks about clean water – just the urgent necessity to find water. One Moringa seed can purify one litre of water. Just imagine that! Clean water at last in Darfur! Not only that but the leaves of the Moringa tree have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas – incredible! The moringa fruit also contain calcium, protein, iron and amino acids which help the body to heal and build muscle. The Moringa trees will not only offer relief from the unbearable heat for children, animals and their families but their roots will also stabilise the soil and help hold back the desert. Just imagine the lives these trees will change – not only now but in the future? Thank you so much for donating trees and helping us get this Read more…

Beat the Medallist

WANT TO RAISE MONEY FOR KIDS FOR KIDS? CAN YOU BEAT THE MEDALLIST?   ​Join in on unique VIP athlete hosted experience days in 2023. Cycling, rowing and rafting! Plus, the ‘Beat the Medallist’ challenge! A GB Gold medallist sets a time, you set your time, you get time bonuses linked to the fundraising you have done!  Set up a Just Giving page for direct donations to Kids for Kids: You will see a one-time bonus for every £250 raised this way for your chosen good cause. Once you let the legacy300 team know who you are fundraising for, they can set up the page for you so all money goes directly to Kids for Kids. Raise money for Kids for Kids by getting your friends and family to sponsor you and BEAT THE MEDALLIST!   BEAT THE MEDALLIST: VIP TRACK CYCLING CHALLENGE EXPERIENCE DAY Hosted by a GB Gold Medal Winning Track Cyclist Whether you have previously ridden the Olympic Velodrome or have it on your cycling ‘to do list’, there has not been a cycling challenge like this. Read more…

Bibi Heal Sings for Goats in Advent Appeal

We are bowled over by how Bibi Heal, a wonderful soprano and supporter of Kids for Kids, is helping us this Advent. Bibi has introduced Kids for Kids to her catholic church, St Stephen’s, as an Advent Appeal, as chosen by the Justice and Peace Committee. On Advent Sunday, 27th November 2022, Bibi spoke about Kids for Kids during mass, giving a lovely overview of our sustainable projects, and then sang a beautiful African lullaby, gave out leaflets, collected donations and peppered the church with toy goats! On the second Sunday of Advent, you wouldn’t believe it…the Chairman of the Peace Committee brought a little goat to Mass! Bibi said “it was fabulous! Gladys the goat even came for coffee afterwards so we went round again with a basket and got yet more cash from some unsuspecting visiting family members who thought they’d just come for a child’s Confirmation! We shall montage the photos to paste up at other services.” Bibi shared stories and photos of her own goat shenanigans in Kenya that demonstrate the sustainable nature of our projects. Read more…

Find out how Paddington is helping us!

Karen Jankel (daughter of Paddington Bear’s author, Michael Bond), Timothy West CBE and our lovely supporters and friends have all helped spread Christmas cheer across the globe and raise a staggering £20,000 in vital funds for the forgotten children of Darfur. Did you miss our Candlelit Christmas Concert this year? Here’s a little snippet and there’s a link to the whole magical experience further below..! After the success of last year, Kids for Kids took the magic online once again to share a celebratory mulled wine and mince pie live on Zoom with international friends and enjoy the beautiful Candlelit Christmas concert, which took place on 1st December in St Peter’s Church, London. Patricia Parker OBE, Founder of Kids for Kids, was delighted to welcome supporters from all over the World including Khartoum, Albania, California, Canada and even Australia! “It was so special to be able to celebrate the start of the festive season together once again at the beautiful St Peter’s Church in London and then share the magic with our international friends again online,” said Patricia Parker, Founder Read more…