Award recognises the children of Darfur – Muslim News’ Award of Excellence

This week Kids for Kids has been incredibly honoured to receive The Award for Excellence for Championing a Muslim Cause.
Patricia Parker OBE was invited to the Awards Ceremony on Monday 29th June 2022, organised by the Muslim News in London.
The Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle, MP Speaker of the House of Commons, was Guest of Honour.
Patricia was overcome to receive this prestigious award, saying “at last the children of Darfur get real recognition.”
“We often refer to the ‘forgotten children’ of Darfur,” says Patricia.  “Sadly they are not forgotten.  The world knows of their existence, even of the conditions in which they live, but any aid to Darfur is concentrated on the camps  – none to the 900+ remote villages: even Covid did not bring help.    There is no diagnosis, no treatment for Covid.  There is no oxygen in rural hospitals and no ventilators.   We provided the only thing possible – something to prevent the spread – soap – over 500,000 bars of soap.   I am told that not only would this prevent the spread of the virus but, almost more importantly, they gave hope to mothers who felt helpless.”

“This year you may know that Sudan is threatened with starvation?   WHO has reported that 1 in 4 children across the country are in need of emergency feed.  Even in our villages the smallest are already needing plumpy nuts to stave off acute malnutrition.    It is heartbreaking.  I am now asking for help to provide emergency food, seeds – and of course goats so that children can have the milk they so desperately need.   Thank you Muslim Aid for helping us spread the word of our life-saving projects to the Muslim community and organisations, we are so grateful for your backing and recognition. Honouring Kids for Kids in a year when I was also given the OBE means that perhaps the children in Darfur will no longer be forgotten.”

Could you donate emergency seed or goats for nutritious milk today to support children battling starvation?

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Learn to Fish: Tickets are available for our Executive Fishing Day here – a great opportunity to entertain your clients – beginner or advanced Fishermen alike!

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