With the UN World Food Programme (WFP) announcing famine in Darfur this week, Kids for Kids has launched a ‘Kids Kitchen Kits’ initiative to provide malnourished children with the nutrients they vitally need.
Families living in remote villages are subsistence farmers, living off whatever they can grow from the land. Crops have not been planted due to the violence, and after a failed crop last year, families were already malnourished before the start of the conflict in April 2023. Many children are surviving on one scant meal a day whilst many adults have just one meal every two to three days. Worryingly this is often just a form of porridge called assida which is carbohydrate only, resulting in serious malnourishment.
Children across Darfur are desperately in need of protein, minerals and vitamins.
Without these essential nutrients, children face stunted growth, bone, teeth, hair and even brain damage.
Our Kids Kitchen Kits, launched this week, include lentils, ground nuts and cooking oil, to provide essential proteins and minerals for healthy growth.
Patricia Parker OBE says, “We were already worried about families before the conflict started in April 2023. We are hopeful that, thanks to our Steering Committee – all volunteers in Darfur, determined to help their own people – we will be able to distribute Kids Kitchen Kits to more of our villages, providing immediate food staples, including desperately needed protein, to help children survive. We need to act quickly to get children and their families the help that they desperately need.”
The aim currently is to provide one Kitchen Kit to every family with children under 5 in each of our villages.
Please can you help us transform children’s health and ensure children receive vital nutrition?
By donating £25 (with today’s rate of inflation) you will give a Kids Kitchen Kits to a family with children under 5.
Or please donate to our Emergency Appeal so we can club together to provide emergency food for more families.
These Kits will transform children’s health – and as soon as Goats are available in markets again, we will add Goat’s milk.
Our Goats are miracle workers!
Would you like to Give a Goat? We need as many as we can get please! – Please donate a Goat today!