Maureen’s birthday walk – double the success!

She did it! We really wanted to update you on the news from Maureen’s Wing Walk. In addition to the amazing bravery Maureen showed, she has now raised the magnificent total of £1,884, nearly twice her original target!

That’s a fantastic amount and Maureen has told us “I am overwhelmed by the generosity of donors.”
So thank you to everyone who has supported this lovely lady and helped her raise this great amount, which is going to make such a difference in Darfur. “I certainly could not have done what Maureen took on – standing on the top of a plane flying high in the clouds” said Patricia Parker, our Founder “I am so pleased people have supported her by fulfilling her wish to make a real difference to children’s lives. What a fantastic way to say Happy Birthday World! Thank you everyone for such fantastic support – Maureen’s 75th Birthday will go on and on being celebrated in Darfur.”

Our original news story follows:

It makes our knees wobbly just to think about this challenge!

To celebrate her milestone birthday, Maureen undertook a huge adrenalin challenge on 4th August – a Wing Walk!  A gift paid for by the family for her 75th birthday, Maureen said ‘I wanted the starving children in Darfur to benefit if friends and family and supporters of Kids for Kids would be kind enough to sponsor me. Knowing the money goes directly to those needing it is a great incentive.  I’m rather nervous and will probably be terrified on the day, but the cause will spur me on!  I think this will be my last challenge so please help to save those starving children.”

The week before the walk, the weather looked dubious and the participant nervous, but thankfully the day arrived and it was fine enough to fly.  Maureen said “I was getting a bit nervous on Wednesday and wondering if the winds would affect the flight taking place.  However, although it was windy it went off very well.  The experience was fantastic.  Once up there I could have stayed up all day!”  Perhaps Maureen’s words can inspire you to take on a challenge like this one too?!

Please donate for such bravery – you can do so on Maureen’s MyDonate page, or directly online to Kids for Kids, but please leave us a note if you do.

Maureen, you are so generous and brave with your support for Kids for Kids.  Thank you so much.  What you do makes an incredible different to the children in Darfur you are helping.


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