Adopt a village in Darfur and change lives forever.
When Kids for Kids commits to adopting a village, it is a huge undertaking. We train the leaders to set up committees and run projects for themselves, to ensure sustainability. We tailor and implement a varied package of projects that combine to ensure long-term success, so that the new changes go on helping for many years. The projects include our Goat Loan, donkeys, training, veterinary care, healthcare, farming tools, and the provision of water. You might like to join us and become a Children’s Champion so that you can receive regular updates on your project. You can even name items such as hand pumps after your organisation or a loved one.
£42,000 ($70,000) adopts an entire village
Please contact us if you would like to sponsor a village, as costs vary with the size and population of each village.
Adopt a village in Darfur and change lives forever. You will fund a variety of sustainable projects that go on helping for many years. The projects include our goat loan, the loan of donkeys, training, veterinary care, and the provision of water. The combined impact of this holistic set of changes is incredible. Have a look at what “What we do” to see the breadth of projects we include.
Registered Charity No: 1100045.
A Company limited by Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No: 04607292.
Recognised by the Humanitarian Aid Commission in The Sudan as a Charitable Foundation.
Copyright Kids For Kids © 1990 – 2021
US Friends of Kids for Kids Registered with Global Giving 501(c)3
Supported by HolmPC Ltd.