For over 20 years, we have been changing Children’s lives ONE GOAT at a time.
Our Projects fulfil many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – Here’s How…
Poverty is endemic in Darfur. Children and Families really need our help.
All our Sustainable Projects are geared to giving communities a helping hand to lift them out of poverty long-term.
Children are starving in Darfur. The arid climate makes growing produce very difficult, floods often wash away any crops that do grow and inflation is at an all time high. We provide goats, chickens grain and tools to keep hunger at bay.
There is no healthcare in the rural villages in Darfur.
We work with the communities to introduce First Aid Centres, train First Aid Workers and Midwives and ensure families survive childbirth and diseases.
Mothers plea for education for their children as they know it gives them a route out of poverty.
We help build Kindergartens, provide books and equipment, and donate donkeys who become the local school bus.
Many women in Darfur are illiterate. They are left to fend for their families while their husband tries to get work in the larger cities. Our key goat loans allow women to earn a living from excess milk & yoghurt and make decisions for the first time for themselves & their children.
Despite Darfur sitting on one of the largest aquifers in the world, clean water is still in short supply. We raise funds to install handpumps in villages, repair those in need and provide jerry cans and donkeys for easier access to clean water.
Electricity is sadly unavailable in the remote villages of Darfur. Villagers however do have access to solar-powered batteries and we provide solar-powered lanterns to light the way at night, especially necessary to save lives during childbirth.
Our sustainable projects kickstart economic growth in the remote regions of Darfur. Our little flocks of goats provide an income for mothers who are then able to send their children to school for an education to enable them to gain decent job prospects in future.
By providing agricultural tools, families become sustainable farmers. By lending goats, we give mothers the opportunity to make an income from excess milk and yoghurt production. Health centres, Kindergartens and access to clean water all help improve the infrastructure of Darfur.
Inequality between rich and poor exists in Darfur, just like everywhere. We give the poorest families a helping hand, providing animals, agricultural tools, access to clean water & an education, to help them reduce the inequalities themselves.
Our projects are all about building sustainable communities in the remote regions of Darfur. We train the villagers to look after our projects – the animals, the handpumps, the trees – themselves so they gain future skills and succeed.
Darfur, Sudan and Africa are at the forefront of Global Warming. We are helping empower communities there with sustainable means so they don’t add to the world’s consumption.
Environment is always top of our agenda. With the harsh climate in Darfur, trees are paramount to slow the encroach of the desert, provide shade for animals & families, and an income from fruits and other bi-products. .
We are working on the availability of water for all communities at the moment.
There is not enough for fish sadly…just yet..!
The majority of our families in Darfur are subsistence farmers, living off the land as best they can, often ploughing by hand due to lack of tools. We provide those tools, as well as seed and donkey ploughs, to encourage larger crops and reduce famine.
We work with families in Darfur to help them strengthen their home life and build a strong community, The communities themselves are empowered to make their own decisions and maintain peace wherever possible.
We partner with our Communities in Darfur and give them skills to run their projects independently. We train Village Leaders and the communities as a whole to ensure our projects really are sustainable.for the long-term.
Registered Charity No: 1100045. A Company limited by Guarantee Registered in England & Wales No: 04607292. Recognised by the Humanitarian Aid Commission in The Sudan as a Charitable Foundation.
Copyright Kids For Kids © 1990 – 2021 US Friends of Kids for Kids Registered with Global Giving 501(c)3 Supported by HolmPC Ltd.